About the Training

About the Training

I offer a program of studies in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) teaching the fundamentals of drawing interpretation through to the application and analysis of advanced tolerancing schemes. Courses are designed to maximize retention and for transfer of skills to the work environment, and are interactive, intensive and fun. Real industrial drawings and case examples are used throughout lessons. Models, video animation and sample parts are used for demonstration, making it easy for students to grasp the concepts.

Students will discover how GD&T is more than a symbolic language. It is a design methodology utilizing 5 important concepts that ensure designs perform as intended, product manufacturing and assembly is optimized, inspection processes are stream-lined and ultimately costs are reduced. The concepts:

  1. The Datum System identifies features used to orient and align parts in their assemblies, optimizes dimensioning schemes to reduce tolerance stack-up, and aides in making repeatable measurements as intended by the designer.
  2. Understanding Functional Boundaries ensures parts fit in their assemblies, are interchangeable and enables the use of functional gauging to verify parts.
  3. Opportunities to allow Bonus and Shift Tolerance maximizes part acceptance.
  4. Tools to control Feature Interrelationships such as orientation and location are provided.
  5. Refinement Controls such as feature size, form, orientation and profile are used to avoid overly tight tolerance requirements, controlling exactly the characteristics needed.

I offer flexible training arrangements. Workshops may be held at your facility or if you prefer, at a training or meeting room facility in your area. Please call to arrange a quote.

If you are a company with only a few employees needing training or an individual, please send me an email at doug.keller@AdvantageGDT.com and I will try to arrange for a public session in your vicinity.

The instructor is GDTP certified by ASME in accordance with the qualifications of ASME Y14.5.2 in the Senior level.